Demo Shortcodes

Here is an example of the included shortcodes in this theme.

These are:

  • Google Maps: easily insert a Google Map into any page, post or sidebar widget. Comes with a nice visual editor that makes inserting maps easy. Just click the « map » icon in the editor toolbar.
  • Banner: insert a flag or brush styled banner. Banners can have a link. Just click the « banner » icon in the editor toolbar to insert a new banner onto any post or page.
  • Blog Listing: this shortcode is useful for inserting a list of recent blog posts onto any page of your website, this is mostly used on the home page.
  • Icon: choose from over 600 icons. Insert a vertical or horizontal icon banner ( these can have a title, description and clickable link). Or insert a little circle styled icon, useful for « contact us » social media buttons.
  • Line: Choose from 6 different line designs. Great for separating content.

Examples below:

 This is an example of the GOOGLE MAPS shortcode:

This is an example of the BANNER shortcode:

Flag Banner
Brush Banner

 This is an example of the BLOG POSTS shortcode:

This is an example of the ICON shortcode:

Choose from over 600 icons. Choose your own icon colors. Choose from 3 icon layouts (horizontal, vertical and circle). Demo below:

Icon Title
Icon Description
Icon Title
Icon Description
Vertical Icon
Vertical Icon
Vertical Icon
Vertical Icon
Vertical Icon
Vertical Icon
Vertical Icon
Vertical Icon

Circle Icons:

This is an example of the LINE shortcode:

This is the « arrow » line:

This is the « heart » line:

This is the « dash » line:

This is the « flower » line:

This is the « leaf » line:

This is the « rectangle text » spacer, insert any text you like:

Our Specials

This is the « circle grey » line:

This is the « grunge » line:

This is the « slash » line: